UK Immigration Laws to change after Brexit
It is clear that many laws are going to change, and will have to change after Britain leaves the European Union. However, MP David Davis had some important points about the UK's Immigration Policy when he revealed the White Paper to Parliament on 2nd February 2017.

Davis went on to say that the when Britain leaves the European Union, there would have to be specific legislation to define the UK’s immigration and customs policy - possibly meaning big changes to the current system.
Now there is the issue of EU Citizens currently residing in the UK, and whether or not they will have the right to stay in the UK once Article 50 is triggered. Although this was debated in Parliament, there is still no development on the issue.
Even though the published White Paper stated it had “not proven possible” to reach agreement on future rights with the European Union, many MP's are debating the matter.
Since the White Paper was published, MP's have tabled more than 150 pages of amendments, all of which will be debated in the House of Commons next week.
It is certain that things are going to change for Britain when we leave the European Union, but AM Law Solicitors will keep you updated with any changes or revelations regarding the UK's Immigration policy and the rights of EU Citizens currently residing in the UK.